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  • 1496229 300x225f

    Mengeham at Chichester Harbour Race Week

    The 60th Anniversary of Federation Week was in the best traditions of the week a wonderful atmosphere crossing the boundaries of clubs, classes and generations. Mengeham was there in strength a couple in each of the Fast handicap and the Finns, three in the 2000s and a junior, plus an army of at least 15 volunteers. The star was Laren Buckel in her Tera just look at her results below!! and

    Published 09:00 on 28 Aug 2024

  • 1460037 300x225f

    MRSC Junior Race Week 2024 starts Mon 5th Aug until Fri 9th Aug

    The NOR and Sailing Instructions for Red, Blue and Green fleet are now on the Junior Week event page for download HERE . Gold Fleet will follow shortly. Junior week starts on Monday 5th Aug to Fri 9th Aug with all the great sailing and fun associated with Mengeham. Race week clothing can be found on the club shop HERE . Entries for Members will be accepted up to

    Published 00:00 on 25 Jul 2024

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    MRSC Regatta 2024 - 21st July

    Booking for the MRSC Regatta on the 21st July is now open to all. Single handers, double handers and Juniors all welcome. Entry fees are £8 for Under 18 (singlehanded or double handed), £9 for singlehanded and £12 for doublehanded. Please go HERE to book and download the NOR and SI. We look forward to seeing you.

    Published 17:21 on 10 Jul 2024

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    Sunday 23rd June - 25th Rowans Charity Fund Raising Day

    Please come down and support our wonderful 25th Rowans Charity Fund Raising Day. Total raised so far £28,419. There will be a Rowans Race (HS/HF details to come). At the club there will be bottle tombola, homemade cakes and afternoon tea. All donations of bottles and cakes much appreciated. The will be open. Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure. Once you donate, they'll

    Published 00:00 on 22 May 2024

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    What a great Junior RustBuster!

    We had our Rust Buster on 16 March and we had a fantastic turnout. With approximately 16 families rolling up their sleeves to get the boats ready for this year's sailing. We met 4 of the new junior families who have joined this year, great for them to get a feel for the Club and all helped out. We cleaned all the club oppies, teras and even uncovered the 2 toppers in

    Published 12:47 on 27 Mar 2024

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    JUNIOR SAILING SESSION - Saturday 16th September

    The 9 th junior sailing session of the 2023 season and what a wonderful session it was! The weather gods were kind and allowed a record breaking 36 MRSC juniors to take to the water aged 7 to 16. We would have been at capacity apart from a few regulars unable to attend. The session began with a busy boat park filled with Oppies, Teras, Fevas and Lasers being rigged before

    Published 14:29 on 27 Sep 2023

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    Chichester Harbour Race Week 2023 August 14-19

    As competitors in the biggest dinghy regatta on the South Coast, Chichester Harbour Race Week, reflect on how much they enjoyed the 2023 event, organisers Chichester Harbour Federation are already planning for next year. The 2024 event is set to be even more special, as it marks the centenary of the Federation and the 60th edition of the event, still familiarly known to many as Fed Week. The 100-plus volunteers from

    Published 10:11 on 8 Sep 2023

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    Annual Solo Open Meeting Saturday 2nd September

    We again welcome sailors from afar to our Solo Open Meeting, one of the Solo Southern Series events. First of the three races starts at 12.15 in Chichester Harbour. Notice of race and Sailing instructions can be viewed here . Entries (£15) may be made online until 09.45 Saturday (click link on the calendar) or at the Club (10.00) or HISC (10.15) until 11.15. As usual, racing will be followed

    Published 12:53 on 27 Aug 2023

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    Exciting New Saltmarsh Restoration Project

    Whilst boating in Chichester Harbour you may have noticed diggers and heavy equipement operating on the shore at West Itchenor. This is part of an exciting project by the the Chichester Harbour Conservancy to restore saltmarsh in our harbour which has been contracting due to sea rise and the inability for the plant to retreat inland because of man-made defences. Saltmarsh is important within our coastal ecosystem as it stores carbon, helping to counter climate

    Published 15:45 on 29 Jul 2023

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    Southern Finn Championships at MRSC

    23 Finns lined up to compete in the 2023 Southern Championships hosted by Mengeham Rythe Sailing Club on Hayling Island. The weekend forecast was for light southeasterly winds with the potential for thunderstorms on both days. Saturday morning winds were calm with just enough breeze to enable most sailors to get out of Mengeham creek and as far as the incoming tide off Hayling Island Sailing Club, from where the race support team

    Published 00:00 on 29 Jun 2023

  • 1222939 300x225f


    June 4th saw over 30 boats contest the ROWANS' Hospice Handicap Races on a day meant for "champagne" sailing. Sailed, in what this year is becoming a prevailing nor' easter, racing was well contested across all fleets. It was certainly great to see the committed racers sailing with those whose main motivation was to support this worthy cause and just to have some fun. Thanks to all who helped make this event

    Published 10:50 on 6 Jun 2023

  • 1220573 300x225f


    The last tide of May saw a fleet of three Lasers a Gull and a Finn butt, in true "Masefieldian" fashion, into an east nor'easterly gusting some 23 knots. Outstanding sailing skills were shown on what was not an evening for the faint hearted, with egress from the creek itself proving a challenge. A robust and gritty performance by all saw four boats finish, some in great style! The low sun, making marks

    Published 00:00 on 28 May 2023

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